425 CTY RD 506
Hereford TX 79045

100 Miles North of Lubbock, TX

1 Load / 68 Angus Holstein Steer Calves / base weighed at 700 lbs, slide at $1.00 over or under base weight. 3% shrink on ground. Implant, had 90 day implant.

Essential 2, Bovi Shield Gold, 1 BR-BVD, Safe Guard Wormer
High Forage Grower Ration
700 pounds.
$1 over or under Base Wt.

Early morning gather, load on buyer trucks, weighed on certified truck scale. FOB. Brand Inspection and Health Papers furnished by Seller. 3% shrink on ground. Implant, had 90 day implant.

Synovex, Grimmius Genetics, Select Sires Profit Source, Bull Codes 714AN588, AN639, AN663, AN667, AN694, AN709, AN710, AN711
APR 1 - APR 30, 2023
No Part Payment Due