425 CTY RD 506
Hereford TX 79045

100 Miles North of Lubbock, TX

1 Load / 71 Angus Holstein Steer & Heifer Calves / Steers Base weighed at 685, Heifers Base weighted at 650 pounds, slide at $1.00 over or under base weight. Heifers sell 10 cents back. 3% shrink on ground. Implant, had 90 day implant.

Essential 2, Bovi Shield Gold, 1 BR-BVD, Safe Guard Wormer
High Forage Grower Ration
650 pounds.
$1 over or under Base Wt.

Early morning gather, load on buyer trucks, weighed on certified truck scale. FOB. Brand Inspection and Health Papers furnished by Seller. 3% shrink on ground. Implant, had 90 day implant. Steers weigh 685 lbs, Heifers weigh 650 lbs

Synovex, Grimmius Genetics, Select Sires Profit Source, Bull Codes 714AN588, AN639, AN663, AN667, AN694, AN709, AN710, AN711, Steers weigh 685 lbs, Heifers weigh 650 lbs, Heifers sell 10 cents back
FEB 1 - FEB 28, 2023
No Part Payment Due