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Auction Details

  • Base Wt. : 750
  • Delivery Date : Immediate Delivery
  • Age & Source : ASV, China Approved , NHTC, BEEF CARES, Heifers sell 10 cents back
  • Price : $242.5
4064 Dodds Road
Oakdale, CA 95361

60 Miles South of Sacremento

1 Load / 120 Char Holstein Steer & Heifer Calves / Base weighed at 750 pounds, slide at $1.00 over or under base weight. 2% Shrink. Heifers sell 10 cents back

Enforce 3, Salmonella + E Coli, Titanium 5L5 (x2)
17% Protein Grower Ration (Corn, Protein, Pellet, Alfalfa, Vit + Minerals)
750 pounds.
$1 over or under Base Wt.

Early morning gather, load on buyer trucks, weighed on certified truck scale. FOB. Brand Inspection and Health Papers furnished by Seller.

ASV, China Approved , NHTC, BEEF CARES, Heifers sell 10 cents back
Immediate Delivery
No Part Payment Due

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